Sunday, September 30, 2012


I was unimpressed, at first, by the name of this shop.  Naming a cupcake shop, "Cupcake," just seems especially lazy.  But now that I've tasted twelve (12!) of their creations, I'm a bit less judgmental. They could name the place "Letter Opener" and I wouldn't question it. Who cares?! Eat cupcakes! Eat cupcakes!

Luckily, I was in the company of three other cupcake-lovers, so test-driving 12 flavors (over several hours, thanks to the handy dandy box above) was pretty manageable, moreso because these little dreamboats aren't huge.  They're a normal cupcake size, which is refreshing.  I'd imagined some sort of lets-make-everything-HUGE type establishment (such an American ideal these days), and was relieved to find that these are the same size little cakes of happiness you make in your own oven at home. Leaves a bit more room for trying out multiple flavors.

While all the cakes were yummy, I was most impressed with the less traditional varieties. The red velvet and typical chocolate varieties were great but rather unexciting.  I wouldn't necessarily reach for a second cupcake. But the peanut butter and jelly (named the Anti-Bullying Cupcake) and the tiramisu were absolutely perfect.  I'd have to restrain myself if seated next to a plate of Anti-Bullying cupcakes.  And the tiramisu was the lightest of our choices, which would make it perfect for a late night snack alongside that glass of wine.

It's no secret that this shop knows its sugar.  I was introduced to the place because a friend saw that it had won Cupcake Wars and it seemed highly irrational that we'd be driving around town NOT stopping to taste test such victory.  Upon trying the aforementioned Anti-Bullying cake, I said I'd be game for just coming to Cupcake for dinner (they do serve various quiches and sandwiches and soups, although I kinda think I'd just commit to sugar for my evening meal) the next time we can't figure out where we want to go.  Seems rather decadent, I suppose, but everybody needs a cupcake for dinner every once in awhile. Everything in moderation, including moderation...

Follow my sugar-laden feasting on Twitter @TheMinneapolite

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