The only other stressor that I feel like could have been avoided was a bizarre line for the bag check. Bag check should not take any time. It appeared that only two people were working the table so perhaps the team just suffered from a few volunteers not showing up, which could certainly happen on such a cold morning. But there was a lot of griping in the bag check line and that could be avoided with more helpers and/or gear bags given at the packet pickup.
I think the Team Ortho events on the whole would be great races for beginner racers. They tend to be huge and the crowd provides a great deal of adrenaline and excitement pre-race. There's a decent amount of community support, even with sub-optimal weather. And the cheeky revelry of running leprechauns and/or halloween costumes (a la Monster Dash in October) allows new runners to relax a bit. This race was one of the slowest I've had in years, thanks in part to a fall at mile 10 that caused a good deal of limping the last 3 miles. Ice is no joke. But even a slowpoke like myself didn't bring up the rear. And even if I did, the running community in the Twin Cities is such that I wouldn't much mind.
All in all, one of the more expensive half-marathons in town, but usually worth the expense. Great swag, good organization, and salted nut rolls in the post-race goodie bag. Solid.
Follow me on Twitter @TheMinneapolite
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