Saturday, September 14, 2013

Bear Water Run 20 Miler

It has been nearly a month since my last post and I blame marathon training for that (less eating out, more time spent running, more napping).  It's fitting then that my first post after the marathon training hiatus is a race review for my last big run before race day.

I've done the Bear Water 20 Miler twice before and both those times it was boiling hot and humid.  So I sighed the sigh of the doomed when I signed up a couple months ago.  But evidently God was smiling on we running folk today because it was fantastic running weather, mid-50s at the start, mid-60s by the time I finished.  If marathon day could feel like that or a touch cooler, I'd be thrilled.

The race is hosted by the White Bear Lake Lions Club to support their many charities and they do a wonderful, wonderful job. For a very reasonable price of $45 (or $50 on race day) you get a perfectly supported race, chip timed, enthusiastic volunteers, and a course that winds (twice) around White Bear Lake.  They host a 10 miler at the same time so the lucky 20 milers get to watch the 10 milers cross the finish and wander over for free 5 minute massages from a local chiropractor while they get to start their second lap.

The course itself is fairly hilly, with sizable stretches of flats between rolling hills.  I like that aspect of it because the Twin Cities Marathon is so flat, I feel like White Bear is a tough 20 miles and therefore, a good practice run for the later race. There are water stops every two miles and each is manned by high-fiving, supportive volunteers.  Several stops were manned by local high schoolers in various costumes. The 50s sock hop crew was my favorite, complete with girls in poodle skirts and a cool guy leaning against an old pickup, a pack of cigarettes rolled into his white t-shirt.

The typical bananas, bagels, and oranges are waiting at the finish, as well as an impressive swag bag considering how the race price.  I've been to many $75 half-marathons that give you a shirt and not much else.  For significantly less money (and a significantly longer distance) you get a shirt plus typical race swag bag doodahs.  And I'm a sucker for doodahs.  A water bottle? Seriously? Can I give you a hug? I love water bottles.

Any year I am nuts enough to sign up for the Twin Cities Marathon, I'll be at the Bear Water Run a few weeks before. It always feels like the kick-off to my last few weeks of training, and it was a great kick-off this year.

Follow me on Twitter @TheMinneapolite

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