Lake Rebecca is an equally challenging trail, but different in that the hills were more frequent but less steep. The trail was wide the whole way so there was never any congestion or single track madness. The Trail Mix volunteers and aid station support are always great. Friendly folks offering me flat coke and m&ms will always get high marks. I'm a slow poke, especially on a trail run, so I'm sensitive to that enthusiastic support. And for anyone who's interested in their first 25K, this would be a great one, especially if you're concerned about being on the slow side. The 50K relay starts about an hour and a half after the 25K solo race, so by the time the slower 25Kers are finishing up, they're joined by a pack of other runners. So even if you're bringing up the rear, you don't feel like you're bringing up the rear. ;)
Lake Rebecca was well worth the drive so I'd be happy to run that route again. And as long as you're the embrace-the-mud type, this spring run is a must for trail lovers.
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