But finally, Pedal Pub Named Desire changed that. I attended the show with Laura, a blogger who is infinitely more active than I am. Laura recently interviewed one of the actors, Andy Hilbrands, on her One Girl, Two Cities internet radio show and you should definitely download the show and check out Laura's blog.
Brave New Workshop's shows are largely seasonal, each running for a couple of months. They're a hilarious hodgepodge of sketches continually energized by the crapshoot that is a live audience. Our evening had a pretty raucous bachelorette party in the audience and the cast members rather hilariously pegged them to shut up on several occasions. But even a gaggle of 21 year old drunk sorority girls couldn't weaken the face-splitting jokes that ran throughout. My mouth ached from 2 hours strait of grins and guffaws. No joke, there was "guffawing," not just laughing.
The sketches in Pedal Pub are tied together with a general theme of love, flirtation, relationships, sex, and all the awkward crap that all those topics generally inspire. Whether it's a song connecting the infamous "Minnesota Goodbye" with couples' inability to breakup or a disturbingly passionate Russian (male) gynecologist teaching sex ed to a bunch of high schoolers, the sketches are hilarious, perfectly timed, and played with enthusiasm by a cast that's clearly having a blast.
There are some folks in my life who say they're "not really into" improv and thus they haven't checked out these BNW shows. First off, I think that's an incorrect opinion. :) But secondly, even if improv makes you a bit nervous, you should settle in for one of these well-scripted shows. These are rehearsed, professional exercises in comic timing. These shows aren't the get-an-idea-from-the-audience games some people may think of when they hear the word "Improv" (those games happen after the show is over, stick around!), these are sketches similar in vein to the vignettes you see on Saturday Night Live, but these are actually funny.
A lot of that humor is derived from the bawdry and offensive, so take that to heart. Drinks are served at the theater and the show is heavy on inappropriate topics (don't we always laugh hardest at the I-can't-believe-he-said-that phrases?), so keep that in mind before you bring your mom.
Follow me on Twitter @TheMinneapolite
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