This was my first time at First Ave solo. I've been dozens of times with dear souls in tow. I've seen shows I've loved, shows I barely remember, shows that marked the beginning and end of wonderful things. But I've never stood solo, beer in hand, rocking out the way one only does in the company of strangers.
I debated going by myself. It wasn't intentional, the soloness, just the result of a last minute scheduling snafu. But I'm thrilled that I swallowed my pride and drank my beer by myself. Farewell Milwaukee was fantastic, the lead singer gushing about having watched his idols play First Ave. The crowd was a happy, almost-Friday crowd and I felt perfectly comfortable being the girl who squeezes into the best spot on the floor. If there's only one of you, you can squeeze wherever you like!
But the joy of the evening was JD McPherson and Co. There is no weak link in that band. It's just a treasure trove of talent (yeah, alliteration!). And at its center is JD, whose voice is equal parts Elvis, Johnny Cash, and Etta James (no joke). It's like bourbon with an undercurrent of rock and roll mashed potatoes. Stick to your ribs nourishment in musical form.
I loved every moment of my solo First Ave experience. This just adds to my general impression that this non-Minnesotan can be content in this chilly city, home to venues like First Ave that overflow with warmth, the pulse of guitars, and music worth a solo hunt for a parking space. Rock on.